Are you using a free SEO rank tracker? 5 Reasons to use a paid SERP tracker
The spirit of Internet is free, you can get many free tools and resources for your needs. The SEO rank tracker is no exception, there are many free SERP trackers. Also almost all trackers would provide free trials or free plans with minimum usage. But I don't think immerse yourself in the free world is a good idea. Instead, after you've tested the basic functions and features of a tracker, if you think it's a good tool, the best approach is to upgrade yourself to a paid user, this will bring your SEO work to the next level, that you couldn't experience as a free user. This is true even if you're using the tool for some small projects.
In this post I will explain the 5 reasons why you should use a paid rank tracker instead of a free one. These 5 functions will remarkably simplify your SEO job, and give you more powerful tools.
Location based and Mobile rank tracking
Rank tracking based on different locations
It's obvious that only with a paid rank tracker will it be possible to track location based results and mobile ranks. The free tools can only perform the most simple tracking, which is desktop tracking in Google, you can't get results from a certain location, either can you get the rank for mobile devices. While these are all simple jobs in a paid rank tracker. You can track from almost all locations from the world, you can choose any city from the ultimate city lists. Track mobile rank is as easy as track desktop ranks in a paid rank tracker. Read this post to learn Why you must track mobile ranks and 5 useful tips to improve mobile ranks.
Dedicated project manager will guide you through
Although this is only available in some of the paid plans of rank tracker platforms, you possibly will not get a dedicated manager from free tools. Dedicated project managers would be very helpful to you, you don't have to reach the online chat or support tickets system to get help, which is very slow, you might have to spend days to get a small problem fixed. With a dedicated manager, some problems can be fixed instantly. At the beginning, if you are not familiar with the system, they can also set up accounts and tracking campaigns for you. If you have some questions that are hard to explain in tickets system, they can answer you in other forms such as FaceTime. They will guide you through the platform, till you could handle the system and campaigns yourself. This is quite useful for people who don't have strong skills about SEO. I believe you will never want to switch to the chat or tickets system after you've tried this.
With a paid seo rank tracker, you get more keywords quota
Rank tracker keywords quota
This is the most common reason why you should use a paid tracker: to track more keywords. It's only with a paid plan that you can increase your keyword quota. You've learnt that even if you're working on a small SEO campaign, the keywords you need to track could be large: How to set rank tracker basics for SEO campaigns? A useful list for beginners. We've seen that even if you're tracking keywords for a small company, for each keyword rank there are 5 combinations to be tracked:
- a). Desktop rank in Google, this will give you general idea about the ranks
- b). Desktop rank in Google for local places, this will show you the rank for searches from local people
- c). Mobile rank in Google, this is the ranks from mobile devices
- d). Ranks in Bing and Yahoo! separately, you should not ignore the 2 search engines
You couldn't get a clear idea unless you keep tracking for the above elements. This is just impossible for a free rank tracker. Only with a paid tracker there will be no limitation on the numbers of keywords you can track.
If you're an SEO agency, you must try white label
Across all the rank trackers, the white label is only provided in paid functions. If you're an SEO agency, you must try the white label function, which will definitely bring success to your business. The white label feature will enable you send ranking reports to your customers, with your own company's logo and brand name. You will become more professional in your customers' eyes. This will make the relationship between you and your customers much tighter.
Sub accounts feature is the nuclear weapon for an SEO agency
I think the sub accounts feature is the even more powerful function an SEO agency could get. With this feature, you're liberated from the limits. You can set up sub accounts for your customers, with full or limited privileges to ranking data and reports. The most important is you can set up your own company's logo and name, each logged in customer would be impressed by your brand. They would think it is you system. Although the sub account function is powerful, it is quite easy to use, you only need to fill some information about your company. This is a very worthy function in paid rank trackers, especially for SEO agencies.
No matter you are using a free SEO rank tracker right now, or you've already subscribed a paid tracker, you can compare the 5 useful functions to the tracker you're using now. To check if they meet up your requirements on rank tracking. I believe you will benefit a lot from a paid tracker that can provide these 5 functions. You can read this post to learn how to choose a best rank tracker.