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Redirect Checker

Check HTTP redirect and status code. Easy to use redirects detection.

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Enter the URL to check, starts with http:// or https://

Check HTTP Redirect


{{ result.requestUrl }} {{ result.location }} Clear Results

HTTP Headers ({{ Object.keys(result.headers).length }})

{{ name }}:
{{ row }}

About Redirect Checker

Redirect Checker is a free HTTP redirect checking tool. By using it you can easily check redirections of a webpage. When we say "redirect", it means the target URL you're going to tells you there is a new location for your HTTP request, it may either be permanent or temporary, depending on the manager of the target site. A redirect checker is a tool that will check such fact and give out reports for each of your requests.

In the current Internet marketing, the most common seen HTTP redirections are the 301 Moved Permanently and 302 Temporary Redirection, which both are easy to understand the meaning.

Why Would There be HTTP Redirects?

Well, just like the human society, people would keep moving from one place to another in his whole life, for various reasons; a webpage would also need to be transferred for many reasons. For example, a site has changed its main domain name, then all old URLs should be redirected to new URL with new domain. Or maybe you've written a blog, someone liked it and put a link to it on his webpage. But as time goes by, one day you have to modify the URL for that blog page for certain reason. But you could not change other people's webpage and you don't want visitors from that blog see the annoying HTTP 404 Not Found page. In this situation, set a HTTP redirect for the old URL to the new URL would solve the problem easily.

HTTP Redirect Types

Basically, there are 4 most seen redirection types.

301 Moved Permanently: This indicates that all future URL requests to the target has and should be moved to a new location. Search engines would consider updating their indexes to apply this change in the future.

302 Found: This the less seen HTTP redirect header, it means the webpage you're requesting has been moved to another URL temporarily. By using this code, search engines are not likely to update their indexes. If you're moving your own webpage to another URL, do not use this code. Use 301 instead.

307 Temporary: It's like the 302 Found status code, the difference is 307 Temporary tells client to use the original HTTP method (get, post, etc.). Changing HTTP method is not allowed.

Meta Refresh: This is a different type from the above codes. All above redirect codes are considered to be server level redirection, while the meta refresh is page level redirection. The end user will have to download the page and then browser would know the redirection. Besides, the meta refresh won't help in your SEO. It's highly not recommended. Use our Meta Tag Analyzer tool for such redirect checking.

What Can I do With Redirect Checker?

Redirect Checker brought to you by CheckSERP will help you in many ways. For example, if there is an affiliate blog and you need to know where the affiliate link redirects to. This is extremely helpful especially if there're more than one redirections. You don't need to manually open that URL, simply paste it in the URL text input and click "Check HTTP Redirect" button. Our tool will check it for you. If there is more than one redirection, all redirections will be recorded and listed at the end. You can then check them easily, with HTTP status codes and new target locations.

With our redirect checker tool, you would not only know the new target locations, you could also check HTTP headers sent by each URL (original URL and redirected URL). By the way, cookies set by them are also included. That is very useful when analyzing a competitor's webpage. To check HTTP headers specifically, use our HTTP Header Check tool please.

Select a User Agent

Your Browser Googlebot / 2.1 (desktop) Googlebot / 2.1 (mobile) Bingbot / 2.0 (desktop) Bingbot / 2.0 (mobile) Yandexbot / 3.0 iPhone / Safari iPad / Safari Android / Phone Android / Tablet Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox Microsoft IE 11 Microsoft Edge Apple Safari Curl Wget

Request Header

Set custom headers to your HTTP request. Add Remove all

  • {{ header }}

HTTP Basic Authentication

If the target URL requires basic authentication, specify them below.

Strict SSL Certificate

Validate server's SSL certificate, report error if there are any problems with the certificate.

Validate SSL Certificate


Reset OK