Best SERP Checker 2019
Why to track keyword rankings and why you need a rank tracker
If you're doing online businesses and markets, you will need many visitors. They basically come to your site from search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo! and Yandex, when they search some interested keywords and click your site's links, in SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). It's important to know your site's rank in search engines all the time, if you don't, you're flying blind. Rank trackers can help to track your keyword positions.
But you won't want to do the keyword rank tracking job manually, especially if you have to track thousands of keywords, that's just impossible to be done.
You will also need a rank tracker or some software or service like that if you need to track your rank from different locations, devices and so on. You can't fly all over the world just to get ranking results, that'll be impractical.
SEO rank tracker will do the job
With the help of a ranking tracker, this will be a much easier job. The tracker software or platform will automatically track your keywords rankings in different search engines (like Google, Yahoo, etc.), locations (different countries, states, and cities) and devices (desktop or mobile). There're many other useful options to customize your job, you can set to track daily or every 2 or 3 days, or weekly. Also you can get scheduled SEO reporting to your email, in html or pdf format at your choice.
Some software or services company provide even more essential functions. For example, you can get rank change alert once keywords' ranking movement exceed your limitation. Some can help you analyze your competitors and keep an eye on their rankings. Some allow you login and manage your projects from multiple accounts, or schedule reporting to different emails, with your own company's logo and name, this is mostly called White-label, it is especially useful for SEO agencies.
SEO Rank Tracker Buyer Guide
When looking for a rank tracker, choose from the following aspects.
Ranking Accuracy
If the tracker can't provide accurate results, do not choose it. You can test for some keywords for it's accuracy, to see if it shows the same result as you check them manually.
Search Engines Number Supported
If you want to track all ranking results from Google, Yahoo, Bing and Yandex, you should choose one that supports them all. Not all trackers support all the SEs.
Mobile Rank Tracker
Mobile ranking is more and more important to your website's overall rank. The traffic from mobile devices is more than that from desktop devices. Google suggests you consider "mobile first" when launching a new website. Therefore tracking mobile rank is more essential than you think. Not all rank trackers can track mobile results. Review carefully before signing up.
Location Based Tracking
Local SEO is necessary if you're doing a local business, you will need to keep extra attention to local results. Some trackers provide powerful location based tracking functions. You may prefer them for your tracking.
Competitor Analysis
This is a quite essential function. In each keyword you want to rank, there're several competitors. If you can analyze your competitors, you will rank higher more easily.
White Label
If you're an SEO agency or you're doing SEO for your clients, the white label function is extremely necessary, you can send SEO reports to your clients on behalf of your own company name, with your company's logo in reports. Choose trackers that support white label if you need.