When choosing an SEO rank tracker, 6 factors you must consider
As we all know, the most necessary functions of an SEO rank tracker is very important when choosing a rank tracker. These functions are usually like the following: to track search engines not only Google, but also Yahoo! and Bing, to track by locations and to track mobile results, as an SEO agency, you may also need the white label function, if you want to be a qualified SEO, you will need to track competitor's ranking too. That's quite good, you know all of these, because they've been told many times in articles like SEO Rank Tracker for Better Rank Performances. While there are 6 other significant factors you must consider when choosing an SEO rank tracker. These factors are not as obvious as the ones already mentioned, but they could be vital for an SERP tracker. If the factors ignored by you, you'll be making a big mistake.
How fast can the tracker work?
You may have always ignored this, but you really shouldn't have. Imagine that each time you want to check your ranking data, you type the tracker's URL, and press Enter key. Then the long waiting starts, you have to wait seconds for the tool to load successfully, and this will happen again when you switch between each of the pages inside the tool! This is just torment. An SEO rank tracker that is not well designed and lack of architecture would become your obstacle, but not a tool that will help you. On the other hand, a good tracker will utilize all the possibilities to make it load faster, run faster. Choose a tracker that works faster, so that you won't end up buried in the delays.
How much does it cost to track one keyword?
You will always first notice the overall price for each plan, when you choose a tracker. You will probably compare the monthly price between each plan a tracker provides, or between different plans from different trackers. Your eyes are caught by the overall price, but you've ignored the secret behind the numbers. Is a plan that a tracker provides at $349/month more expensive than the other one provided at $299/month? Do not answer the question blindly, do some simple math to find out the price per each keyword you want to track. All you need to do is easy, if you can track 5000 keywords per month with the $349 plan, the price per keyword is $0.06. If you can track 3000 keywords each month with the $299 plan, the price for each keyword is almost $0.1. That's almost two times than the $349 plan. So although you're paying less, you're paying more expensive. For all the SEO rank trackers, you can always do this simple division to find the most affordable tracker.
Is the tracker results accurate?
If you couldn't do something well, you won't tell it publicly. That's the same with rank trackers. Some trackers do not mention accuracy all the time, this is because accuracy is in fact a problem to them. Trackers that have more advanced tracking technologies can detect your keywords rank change once it happens. If you're doing SEO for your customer and your hard work and effort has finally been proven effective, the ranks finally go up. But the tracker failed to detect this, you will end up working for another long duration on it. Or if the rank for some keywords drops but you don't know about it because the tracker couldn't detect that. It's only after they drop significantly that you get notification from a tracker. This could be a fatal mistake an SEO agency makes. You should always keep up with the ranks and get noticed at the first time when they change. In this way, if they drop you will get enough time to make changes to improve them. But if you work with a tracker that is not accurate, you will miss all the chances to save your rankings. In this situation, the rank tracker is not helping you, instead it is harming you and your business.
Are the functions provided by a tracker really essential to you?
Although most trackers provide a same function which is rank tracking, different trackers have also developed different functions to each other. There're functions such as uptime monitor, backlinks analysis, or even sitemap generator. Do you think these functions really essential to you? Do you really need them along with your tracker? It is good if your rank tracker can provide some more functions, but do you really need them? Think about this, if a tracker costs higher than another just because it provides one more function, which would you choose? It is suggested to choose only the functions you need. A good rank tracker should always stay focused on rank tracking function and leave alone those unnecessary functions, in this way not only can it provide better tracking functions, the price can also be more reasonable. So think about what you really need and don't get lost in the unwanted functions.
Can the tracker track language results other than English?
First of all, all trackers must be able to track English results. Then what's next? Can it track any other languages? If you're an SEO agency you will probably have customers from all over the world, they will have different language targets, it may be Russian, French, Spanish or some other language. In this situation, you will find it necessary to choose an SEO rank tracker that supports multiple languages. Not all trackers support multiple languages. A multi-language tracker will evidently broaden your business.
Does the tracker provide the API function?
API function is only provided by some advanced SEO trackers and maybe only available in some more expensive plans. Although rank trackers already provide some great functions, the API function is always irreplaceable if you have customized needs to the data. With the API provided by rank trackers, you can get raw ranking data, which you can use in your own way in your system. You can set up your own reports for your customers. Or you can add projects via the API in your own program. In this way the whole SEO tracking work could become automatic and needs less human work. Pick up a tracker with API if you want to integrate the tracker with your system.
Now you've known the 6 factors you must consider when choosing an SEO rank tracker, or you can compare the SERP tracker you're currently using with the factors to see if it qualifies a good rank tracker. Read this article to know Top SEO Rank Trackers 2019.